Day One of Something


I had zero idea what jellyfish would have to do with this post, other than it was one of the most mesmerizing displays at the Toledo Zoo Aquarium, and I'm totally in love with the movie, Seven Pounds ... That and it's a pretty amazing picture, given the equipment.  I didn't have any clue, until I googled "Jellyfish Spirit Animal," and found this: 

"Jellyfish symbolizes energetic flow, entanglement, and Reiki.

Jellyfish don’t need to force anything. Water currents take them exactly where they need to be. They live a life of complete trust and surrender."

Which just goes to show, I got what I was thinking about, because I was thinking about how this time, becoming the best me, it's all about NOT forcing things, NOT overthinking it, and absolutely just letting go, and letting it happen.  

I have already let go of a tremendous amount of physical and digital detritus that was weighing down my brain cell for decades. Part of that purge included a blog I kept during my last keto journey, from 2017 to early 2020, before COVID took over. 

I'm just done holding on to the past. I'm done with it. It served its purpose, and now it's gone. All we have is here, right here, right this second, right now. I'm not preaching about living life to its fullest, I'm just saying, truthfully, life is far too short to willing stay chained to that which is never going to serve you. 

Anywhoooo, today marks the first day of whatever may come. The last time, there were charts, graphs, and daily, sometimes hourly obsessions with tracking, weighing, measuring, blah-blah-blah-blahbity-blah ... and essentially painting myself into an informationally overloaded corner, where I just gave up.  

Giving up isn't necessarily the bad thing people might make it out to be. Sometimes, you really do have to take a step or 10 back, and examine things for a brief moment, and realize that it's not working, so you can move on to something that will work, or at least things that will make you happy. 

That all being said, what you see below IS a collection of charts and graphs, also present to mark this as day one. These are NOT going to a regular part of my life. Not daily, and not weekly. Maybe monthly, but maybe not. I don't know. I've been down the tracking macros road. I've been down the charting and plotting path. It didn't work. You know what they say about "Watched pots never boil?" They say it for a reason. IT. IS. TRUE! 

I'm not going to rehash the past. I'm not there. I'm here. Here is this:  

I pretty much gained back everything I lost from Keto v.1. C'est la vie. I'm not gonna lie. I enjoyed a year of living carb-ly. Stuff happens. There's a goal there that is much different from past goals. I'm not going to talk about said goal, unless I've got something positive to say. I've thrown it out there, let the Universe do with it what it will, and either way, I'm going to find things that make me happy, while it all falls into place. 

Then there's this. This was the first day back to keto-ish eating. Yeah, there's half a Gatorade bar on there, and I am well over 20-30 carbs, but EXPONENTIALLY below the carb intake I've been living on, especially for the past few months.  Also, those numbers are not precisely measured. The food is exactly what I had, but the measurements not.  

Here you see macros that I won't be tracking. I know enough about keto, and what I eat to know how to maintain some semblance of a ratio. Take a good look, because you won't see this, except maybe a check in, here or there, but I really doubt that. 

Today also marked the first day back to the gym. We ended our membership last March, when the pandemic was getting into full swing. I'm also NOT going to be tracking daily activity. Nope. Ain't nobody. Got. Time. For ... THAT! I eat, I breathe, I sleep, I snore, I sit on my arse to work, probably 12-15 hours per day, and now, I go gyming. I do have a fitness app (Jefit) which is pretty cool that lets you make your own workouts. I may use that, but it's nothing I'll share out loud.  

I am severely out of shape. I have lost every bit of muscle tone that I developed when we last were going. I am 100% solid fluff. The gym serves numerous purposes, including building strength, getting out of the house at least a couple times a week, restoring health, and circulation, and also keeping depression at bay. Not wanting to rehash the past, but that's something that plagued me for many decades. When I did keto, it went away. Not overnight, but it was gone, and was probably the biggest blessing, by far, of this way of eating.  

Regardless, here, you shall see me, mostly, now ... 

That's me on the right 🤣

I think I'll just leave it there for now. This really is just the placeholder, and point of reference. I'm okay with where I am now, and I'm excited to see where I go.  

Rock on. xo 

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