All My Tea Leaves - Day 11

Probably the closest I will ever get to a rhinoceros. Isn't he adorable, though? :D  

It was a pretty good day. Got some sleep. Got a raise. Got some excellent feedback on my job performance. Just a good thing. It's an excellent feeling to know that I make a difference and that someone, namely my boss, recognizes what I do. See, this is what happens when I stay away from the socials and focus on things that actually matter! I'm still over-busy, but we're working on that. 

The whole Dio thing hit me rather hard this morning, before the good news, because I listened to this: 

This band writes some pretty deep schtuff. That is all. 

As for health, I think I'm doing pretty good. I've been taking supplements the past two days - magnesium, choline, B complex, and something else I can't remember. Not sure how long I will remember to do that, but it has cut the headaches back considerably. That, and the fact that it was 72 degrees F with no considerable wind, so sunlight is always helpful. 

Yes, I had some way-dirty-keto foods this evening, but oh well. I can tell the difference, physically, as soon as I eat something highly chemical, though, such as the Atkins bar. There's itchiness, and a bit of headachiness and just general malaise that I don't feel when I don't eat things like that. 

What I am REALLY looking forward to is when the Factor meals end. I've got one order coming next week, and then have another week of discounted meals to order after that, and then I will cancel. It was just nice to start keto without having to do a magical metric ton of meal prep. Gives me time to plan, and do it right. 

I'm sure there will be lots of bacon, deviled eggs, sausage/egg casserole, Buffalo chicken, and salads on the lunch menu. Maybe bone broth. Maybe not. I can save elaborate cooking for evening meals. That usually ends up being meat and a salad, or meat, and a veggeble, so it won't be taxing to figure it out. 

I believe I'm making pretty decent progress on the 12-week-year goals. I do need to call and schedule the doctor visit for January. Might as well get it done now, or I won't be able to get in until April '23. Until then, I'm not stressing about the blood sugar, the A1C or anything else. They can do a full workup then, and see that my levels are all good.

That's the other bonus of keto - I already don't go to the doctor that much, but on keto, I go even less. 

Okay, and now I am making it a requirement that TOMORROW will be the day I write that 90-day letter. 

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day! 

Day 11 Progress

Weight: 209

What I ate: 

- The morning coffee

- Factor Cheesy Chicken and Peppers 

Life is just a chicken fantasy ... 
Can you see the fantasy here? 

*drowning in a bath of pepper and chicken juice, which I drained, and complete with, of course, tiny diced zucchini. Once again, size DOES matter. Thankfully, it tasted better than it looked. Won't bother ordering it again, though. 

- Pork rinds and chip dip, because I was especially hungry today

- The Afternoon Coffee

- Steak - a pretty fine steak ... and a side of dump ranch dressing - because that's how I do

My phone camera does not adequately display the divine quality or flavor of this steak ... but I et this much: 

- Some French-fried onions, because I felt the urge to chew on something other than meat

- One Atkins Lemon Bar

- A Diet Dr. Pepper. 

79 Days to Goal

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