I've got several books that I need to actually read now. Problem is, reading makes me INSANELY tired. Audio books don't help, because then I multitask, and I don't hear 89% of what's being said/read to me. Maybe I'll just set a goal of reading at least two pages a day. If I make it a goal now, for this 12-week Year, I would need to read at least 3.5 pages per day. However, when I get through it, I get through it. I'm not in a reading race.
It was a rather productive day on the work front. Go me. Helped that the morning meeting was cancelled, so I could work without having to stop for an hour, and then get even more distracted.
I'd have to say that energy levels are pretty good. Yet, I still don't get much accomplished around the home front. I'm what you would call a procrastinator. I don't know why, but I am.
I did take measurements today, head to tooes. I was watching the Keto Twins' advice on starting keto, and they brought up the act of taking NOW pictures, and taking NOW measurements, so you indeed have something to look at later on, just to see how far you really have come. There are many times when the scale doesn't move, or goes up, but the reading on the tape changes. Maybe I'll share all that on January 31, just so we can see.
One thing I haven't started yet is the movement. Well, I am not counting the almost daily walk around the yard since it adds up to probably nothing, but at least I get SOME form of circulation. I'll get it figured out.
That's enough for now. Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to speak ... There's a comment thingy down there somewhere. I don't bite ... all the time.
Day 16 Progress
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