The Heat is NOT On ...

What a time of year to not have heat on a consistent basis. Cool! (Literally ...) 

For whatever reason (unbeknownst to any of us) my Beloved's grandfather placed the furnace setup in the crawlspace. You know what lives in the crawlspace? MOISTURE. You know what happens when there is MOISTURE around a furnace? Nothing good. 

So, in order to prevent complete failure, and to improve the value of the home when we sell it, we have decided to move the entire operation above ground in what is now known as the Cat Bathroom, which used to be a "half" (more like 1/4) bath/shower room. All in all, regardless of cost to get shit done, it will be well worth it, for us, whilst we are still here, and for whomever buys the house. 

It could have been worse, but my Beloved had the BRILLIANT idea to move it all in the Cat Bathroom, rather than having to cut through concrete slab to move it up here in my office (aka old garage/aka old fabric shop), or instead of having to tear out a bunch of cabinets in the laundry room. Winning!!! I never would've thunk of it - using that room. 

A former shower stall space ... and an Orb

Meanwhile, she's still blowing out cold air, and changing the thermostat batteries did not help. The repair person did NOT find any reason for this nonsense. Thusly, I have ordered a NEW thermostat that hopefully will at least temporarily bring us consistent heat. Thankfully, I have an overhead ancient heater out here in the office, so we're not going to take our leave due to exposure. 

Also very grateful for a very mild winter! Score! 

In other news, I am so very swamped with the work thing, and there are so many extraneous bottlenecks that hold me back from truly being caught up. However, I have decided that these are not my circusii, and not my monkeys. I am going to focus on getting done what I myself can get done, and let the rest work itself out, at least until I am truly held up by the lack of others completing their work.

Not much else to say today. The only way around is straight through the middle! 

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