Letitgo - Day Seven


Today's update is brought to you by the letter "Letitgo." 

If you visited yesterday, you will recall I didn't make some great choices on Saturday evening. Happy to report that there was pretty much zero negative impact on my physical being. Funny, though, how much that bit of sugar really mucked up my brain this morning. I've spent the last week enjoying that "mental clarity" that all the keto fiends like to tout about. Then, this morning, I was right back on the dark side. I probably will be tomorrow, as well, because I chose to get another diet soda today. It just kind of breaks up the monotony of water, flavored as it may be. It's the carbonation that does the trick. 

It was a Negative Law of Attraction kind of day, and it just snowballed for the majority of daylight. But now, I know what I have to do. I just have to let it all go. As mentioned earlier in the week, I don't have time for bullshit. People do what they want to do, and that doesn't always add up to what YOU may want them to do. Fuquitol. I might be a little slow when it comes to social norms, and reading people, but eventually I read the last page. 

Difference is, I'm not the pushover some people assumed me to be. Sorry, not sorry. 

Why do I write about this here, and be all vague? Because I'm not about to go screaming about it all, divulging the gory details to anyone who will listen. It's just part of what is my mental composition, and it directly impacts my mood, and subsequently how I go about the rest of my daily functions. It's about learning to control the only thing I can control - ME, and MY reactions/responses to the external. 

Also, whether it be Saturday night's dinner, and "snacks," or maybe that smoked sausage that might have not been the freshest thing in the fridge, or current undivulged issues, I've just felt shitty today. To the point of being headachy, and nauseous. 

Tomorrow is a new day. One week into my 90-day adventure, and I'm feeling optimistic, and much better about the direction life is taking. If I needed reassurance, these two provided it a bit ago, when I walked into the kitchen: 

Call me twisted, but I named them Fish Stick and Filet. 

Day Seven Progress

Weight: 210.6

What I ate:

- Morning coffee 

- One Johnsonville Pepper Jack Smoked Sausage and one pre-made burger with a slice of American cheese, with a side of sauce ... I don't know what to call it - it's mostly mayo with a wee bit of ketchup, probably 1/8 tsp, and maybe 1/4 tsp of mustard ... I don't use a ton of it, maybe about 1/3 of what you see here; just enough for flavor. 

- The typical side salad

- Maybe about 8-10 Spicy Dill Pickle almonds 

- The Afternoon Coffee 

- Cheesy Bacon Ranch Shredded Chicken with Portobellos & Garlic Broccoli

The real fake news
real news

- Maybe one serving, or maybe not, of Epic Sea Salt + Pepper Pork Rinds and a smidgen of chip dip

Just for added context on the Factor meal, here's their oh-so-scrumptious website description: 

Every element of this dish is infused with classic and comforting American flavors. Tender shredded chicken breast is topped with cheddar cheese, crispy nitrite-free bacon, and green onions, then served over a luscious cream cheese sauce infused with ranch seasoning. Two satisfying sides round out the meal: portobello mushrooms roasted with olive oil, garlic, and thyme, and garlic-roasted broccoli.


What you see in the picture is exactly how much I ate. There was about one speck of green onion, as you can see at the bottom. The other green is remnants of broccoli that somehow made it into that portion of the container. I don't see any portobellos in there. I might see Baby Bellas. Honestly, since Saturday evening's meal, I have not the stomach to touch mushrooms of any shape or size. As for "roasted" broccoli? Do you see any caramelization on those florets? I didn't even taste garlic. No. Just no. 

83 Days to Goal

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