What a Difference Four Years Makes - Day Six


There was no keto religion today ... I knew that, in the grand scheme of things, a few hours of non-keto eating was going to happen. I don't care. I just don't care. Was it good for me? No. Did we have a good time? (Except for the entrĂ©e)  DEFINITELY. Have I fallen off the wagon already, some measly six days in? NO. Why? Why didn't you just get meat and a salad? One, I didn't want to make ANYONE pay some $60+ for a ribeye and some fries. No. Two, there was a mention of duck fat. I don't eat duck. Three, they didn't offer salad. At all. 

I'm not calling it a Cheat Day, as most of the kids do ... It was what it was, and tomorrow I go right back to what it IS ... I still have goals to obtain, things to see, etc. 

Back at the scene of the original crime, I mean wedding ... đŸ˜—

And just to mark progress in pictorial form...

Me, 210-ish

vs. the 2018 Me, 172-ish

So, on Goal Day (January 31, 2023), I can compare today v. then. I have learned that it's good to hang on to the pictures, even if you're horrified at the changes, so you can see your accomplishments, and stop believing what your brain tells you when you look in the mirror. 

If anything, I'm curious to see what effect the brief offramp has on the scale in the morning, but other than that, it's all good. I didn't get unhealthy overnight. I'm sure as Hades not going to regain all the health in that same span of time either. I'm done babbling now. 

As always, thanks for stopping by :) 

Day Six Progress

Weight: 210.6

What I ate:

- Morning coffee 

- One chaffle with whipped cream cheese and one salad

- A very negligible amount of Spicy Dill Pickle almonds 

- Afternoon coffee 

- Anniversary dinner at Tolon: 

deviled eggs | white miso | sriracha | bacon | chives | sesame


scallops| mascarpone soft polenta | royal trumpet mushrooms | brown butter sauce | truffled garlic gratinee

* The deviled eggs were bomb. The scallops, I couldn't get through even half. We'll just leave it at that, because I'm still nauseous. The polenta wasn't keto friendly, but it amounted to a schmear of glue at the bottom on which to place the scallops. I'm just glad I had two deviled egg halves. Yeah. Oh, and there's no picture online of whatever it was that they called an entrĂ©e ... and I did not want to take a picture of it. I don't want to be reminded of it after this. 

- Because the main course at dinner was so vile, and I could not get the taste out of my mouth space, I veered right off keto for less than a minute (until we got home). In my defense, I only had one of the two peanut-butter cups. It only momentarily made me forget about the entrĂ©e. 

- Two glorious, decadent, healthy-sized bites of caramel apple cheesecake | pretzel crust | local honey cheesecake | honeycrisp apples | salted caramel | chantilly because I did. I have no accurate way to describe to you the way this tasted. I think I levitated. Of course, there are no pictures of this delightful invention online, which is probably for the best, so I don't keep fantasizing about having more of it. 

- Some more (probably 3/4 serving) Spicy Dill Pickle almonds, and a few French fried onions because we were watching a movie, and I wanted to nibble, and I could.  

84 Days to Goal

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