The way to stop overthinking is first to THINK about WHY you are overthinking, very briefly, and then just get on with it. There is a decided difference betwixt overthinking, and giving something serious consideration. When it comes to the bigger decisions in life, you do need to evaluate the data, weigh the pros and cons, and consider your own biases, likes, dislikes, etc. That's all good. It's when you obsess over something, though, and can't let it be, and then work yourself into a furious lather over the most negative aspects of any ANY decision that it turns into OVERTHOUGHT.
That's purely my own observation, taken from a lifetime of doing the OVER varietal, and less time doing the serious ponderance variant.
As you will recall, yesterday, I broached the topic of my really bad habit, the smoking. In the spirit of not overthinking, or talking it to death, I'm talking about it here and now, and then, more than likely, it will be quite a while before I mention it again.
No manner of wishing, hoping, or wanting to end the habit has actually resulted in its disappearance. All the apps, the hypnosis, the books, the drugs, the pills, the patches, vapes, and gum in the world have not triggered my brain to repel the smoke. Don't get me wrong. I do NOT enjoy the aroma. It does stink. I'm fully aware. Fully self conscious. The brain has a great way of helping us live in a state of denial, though, and that part of my brain is FULLY functional.
I won't be reading anything about it, watching videos about other peoples' experiences, trying this, that, or t'other device, supplement, or other ... I will take the same approach I took on Friday. I could NOT have smoked without a great deal of inconvenience, effort, or stress, so I just didn't. I didn't sit on the plane, or at the gates and bemoan my lack of nicotine (or need for it). I just. did. other. things.
I've blown it in the past because I spent too much time talking about the doing of it, and very little time actually trying to do it. Already, I feel like I'm talking too much about it, and I don't wish to talk myself out of it, so I'll hush shortly. Just want to tell you that if you put in your mind a tiny seed of "Maybe I won't smoke this weekend," and keep thinking about THAT, and NOT about the deprivation aspect, it may help.
If you prepare yourself, your mouth, your hands, and your mind beforehand, you will be able to tackle any "cravings" from there, right? Truthfully, the only thing I used during the entire traveling portion of the trip was my gum, and the snacks on the plane. No matter that I had at least two beverages, two packs of gum, and four containers of Ice Breaker mints, and nicotine toothpicks, I didn't touch them. I didn't feel any huge overwhelming need. I don't know why.
If you change what you think about, what you think about will change. I have proven this. I wasn't worried about smoking on the plane. I was worried about the pain that would flare up in my ear upon descent and landing. It's a horrific pain. I wish it on no one. If you hear babies screaming on planes during that part of a flight, try to be a little bit understanding - they too may be experiencing ear issues.
Distraction is key. Acting as if I don't smoke ... Realizing how I can have the same feeling/state of mind here that I had there ... And with that, I don't wanna talk about it anymore. I just want to get it done.
Day 46 Progress
What I Et:
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