Now It's War

 Remember this thing? 

I didn't know if I wanted to admit this out loud, but we have an issue, and now, we're done being nice. When it was just one, fine ... But when we discovered Mouse Central yesterday?  

As my Beloved says, "It's war." Game on. It's not going to be pretty. 

What have we learned? 

1. No matter where the food is, no matter how much it is bagged, boxed, and packed tightly away, they will find it, and they will decimate it. Obliterate it, even. 
2. Listen to your cats. They are tiny and they know things. 
3. You learn how to let go of the things that no longer serve you in order to prevent hidey holes for them to do their dirty work in. You learn quickly. 
4. While we love animals, we cannot abide this, and we will do whatever it takes to keep them on the outside. 
5. Don't live in a locale surrounded by fields if you do not want to wage war with field mice. 

It's not a great feel to realize that you've been infiltrated by tiny yet destructive creatures. However, on the bright silver-lining side, it definitely speeds up the Great Purging of Things Project. Sometimes, the universe just gives you a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetle nudge in the right direction. 

So, some four loads of laundry, many bags of burnable things burned, and much sweepings and cleanings later, I feel a bit less skeeved, but still just ewwwwww. 

In other news, today is the day. Even though I stopped early, I have accomplished at least two of the three goals from the 12-Week-Year plan. 

1. I've gotten my blood glucose readings down in pre-diabetic AND non-diabetic ranges. Go me! 
2. Set an appointment with the doctor - today is the day. 

Going to ask for a full blood-panel workup or whatever they call it. Since I try to not go to the doctor more than once or twice a year, I figure it'd be a good plan to see where my levels of all things are at. Going to take in my monitor so I have pictorial proof of whence I speak, should their reading prove different than mine. 

Another busy week of work ensues. When I get back from the appointment, and the hunt-gather session at the local purveyor of foodstuffs, there are meetings and other things. Many, many things. 

Have a lovely week! 

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