Planning to Fail Permanently and Making Letters


Not a whole lot going on lately, and just haven't been in the mood to say anything out loud. Work has been stupid busy, still, but there may be light at the end of that proverbial tunnel. 

From that Chihuly museum in Seattle

So, Friday, we did something we had been needing to do for quite some time - we met (virtually) with a financial planner in order to map out the rest of our time on this here planet. Kind of unsettling to see it all in charts and graphs. But also kind of like, "FUCK YEAH, we can actually do this!" For so many years, we were never in a monetary place to do any kind of formal planning. The "Come What May" mindset, though, isn't really conducive to a decent set of years in retirement. 

I did not agree with everything they mapped out, but most of it is logical and doable, so we'll be getting that done in the next week or so. 

Just not been in the planning mood - too busy, letting work get the best of my psyche, which means everything else falls by the wayside. 

Very ready for Spring. Winter always fucks with my head. Taking my vitamin D and magnesium, but they only do so much. 

In good news, the shoulder thing seems to be clearing up. The only time it really bothers me is when I'm in bed. Found some decent stretches to do for shoulderly issues, and I believe they have done the trick. Crisis averted, at least momentarily, and no need to go back to the doctor immediately. I put off scheduling it for a whole week, and then just deleted it from my to-do list. 

Just kind of blah. Want to be creative. Don't have the energy to get there just yet. Maybe I'll take a class, like this one: 

Sometime, I miss doing calligraphy. It's a very relaxing, and cathartic art form, but as per usual, my attention span veered off into the sunset and away from it. I just don't know. 

I've got the February Blahs. 

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