Continuing with the Tracy Chapman theme ...
"Got nothing to lose ... Me, myself, I got nothing to prove."
At this point, life really is about what I make of it.
In other news, I am not sleeping for shite, but we have now achieved the mattress topper that will hopefully bump the new sleeping platform into a truly comfortable place in which to lie. So, tonight, we'll continue the experiment and see (read: feel) what happens.
As seen above ... Guess who got a new microphone? Guess who needs to learn how to record shit somewhere other than Loom? I'm testing the Sound Record installed on the PC. I don't believe it has any editing capabilities, though, so I'll have to dig out Audacity and toy around with it all.
It occurred to me that I lack a plan, and hence, I am not experiencing a lot of forward momentum, or motion at all, for that matter. I know, I know, there are all manner of witticisms regarding planning ... "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans," etc. But then, there's also this one:
"Fail to plan; plan to fail ..."
There's got to be some sort of healthy balance betwixt the two, right? I can spin my wheels, and buy this or that to get started (some day), but the creation and execution of a plan, I am lacking. We can all say we have no time to do this, that, or the other, but let's just be realistic for a moment. Your phone will tell you how much you used it in a week (at least mine does), and I know full well how much of ever day I spend sitting here prone, doing nothing but thinking about doing things.
I'm proud that I've broken the habit of looking for solutions for physical improvement, health, etc. There comes a point when you have read and listened to everything that could possibly be said on a topic, and everything else is just a complete rehash. Yes, repetition is key (also at least for me) when learning something new, but once you know what you know you know and you are capable of doing it, it's time to take off the training wheels and go.
I COULD have done any number of things this morning when I was up at 4:30, especially after the caffeine kicked in. I could have spent more time learning the new microphone, or opening Audacity and doing some editing on the files I made. I could have worked out. I could have actually MADE the plan of which I am now speaking. I could have, but I didn't. I have no legitimate excuse as to why, either. I could blame the internet. I could blame any number of things, but in reality, it's me who holds it. No one forced me to turn this thing on first thing. No one forced me to open Facebook and play stupid, mindless games. Granted, in the playing of games is when I get a lot of thinking done - it's an ass-backwards form of meditation for me, I suppose.
I have a fairly busy day today, so I promise no plan will be made during the working hours, but tonight, let's see if I can set aside some time to make an actual living concrete plan for what I want to accomplish. I think it will go something like this:
1. Dump (get it all out of my head)
2. Organize
3. Evaluate/Edit
4. Prepare
5. Solidify
Then, just do it!
I spent a lot of time at the beginning of the year getting my work self organized, and for the most part, it's meant spectacular improvements in my speed and productivity. Now, it's time to do the same for non-work-related me.
On the flip side, though, late last year, when I went mostly back to keto, I didn't plan jack shit. I just did it. I decided I no longer wanted to feel like I was feeling, and I just flipped it around. Sometimes, the only way around something is right smack through the middle of it. Make a choice and do it. That's it. Simple, right?
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