It's the Simple Things

I just realized that my background (my own art) perfectly coordinated with the Google banner for whatever day this was :D 
What a weird week. I'm glad it has come to an end and we get to start with a new one. I did accomplish something rather phenomenal (for me) ... See the contraption up there behind the monitor to the right? I (ME) hooked that up ALL by myself and EVERYTHING worked precisely as it should! 

I mean, I'm fairly adept at assembling things that are NON-technical in arrangement, such as cat trees, or drawing desks (if I read the labels and put all the parts on in the correct directions), but when it comes to the tech stuff, I typically leave that to my beloved. When I got the work computer and monitor, I waited at least a month until my son came home for Christmas to show me how to do split screens betwixt the monitor and the laptop. That's how I roll. 

This new thing is magical. I don't even have to open the laptop and I can press the button on the switch and operate the laptop WITH the PC mouse and keyboard using the existing PC monitor. Yay. 

I'm still waiting to unbox (as the Theys say) the graphics pad because I learned that it's useful to have a drawing glove. That should be here today, and THEN I will attempt to put that device to work. I'm looking forward to becoming the best digital calligrapher ever, at some point before I leave the planet. Good times! 

Nettie took ill after we changed her food, AND/OR she killed her first out-of-doors beast. She then went to the vet for her quarterly spa treatment, a checkup, some bloodwork, X-rays, nail clipping, and a dew-claw removal (because it was torn up to the root). Thing is, they put one of those sticky wrap bandages on it, and now we are trying to find the best approach for removing said bandage without losing our faces in the process. Fun times. 

We've also trialed a few different ramps because she is having issues disembarking (pun intended) from the vehicles, and eventually, will probably need assistance getting onto the assorted furnitures in the home. So far, the cat uses it more than her, and helped clean up the neatly arranged row of treats when she completely ignored them. 

Then, on to hooman news, my beloved split a molar, and had to have it surgically removed. He was off for the week, as he developed a rather severe clotting issue caused by his inability to just sit still and recuperate. 

In happier news, we're having an excellent time planning the upcoming renovationary exercises. First up will be new windows, and new concrete. By the time those are done, THEN maybe I will have decided how the kitchen and laundry room should be done. 

If you want to see the ideas running through my brain cell, you can view them here:

It was a busy week, work-wise, which didn't give me a lot of time to work on the fun stuff, the arts. I've been making digital scrapbook/web-design papers, and I'm finally at the point where I can list them. Now, however, I have to wait for the listings to be approved, and then they will be available for public consumption. Once that happens, I'll share that somewhere. 

I have backed off of the T-shirt design for a hot minute. I don't think it's what I am supposed to be doing. It does not bring me as much joy as the actual design and development of art and patterns and the like. However, I won't shun it because it's what me so inspired to begin with, so there's that. 

Food/health updates: 

This week, I did really good. I WAS down 5.5 pounds, eating less, getting less lethargic, taking my vitamins daily (B12, choline w/ inositol, and vitamin D). Sugar was NOT as low as I wanted it to be - mostly right at the diabetic start point, but it will come down. Just have to figure out what is keeping it so high when I have eliminated the junk and most of the carbs. 

Not doing full-fledged keto, but just cutting back on overconsumption of foodstuffs, and making better choices. 

Until yesterday, or Friday evening, at least. 

Friday night, had a grilled chicken salad from The Barrel o' Crackers. They have gone to complete shit. I got nearly a head of watery, gross iceberg lettuce, a few sprinkles of cheddar, and croutons, which I proceeded to eat. The chicken was flavorless, and the dressing was just processed garbage. 

Yesterday, had some pulled pork and a side salad. I just wish when they SAY they use spring mix lettuce that they would actually do so. This iceberg crap is for the boids. 

All I can say is we're learning a lot about what we no longer want or will tolerate when it comes to dining options. So over the disgusting food-service/institutional fare these local places are serving. Back to making it a more special event and only visiting the places that take time to make food that is good, like Baker Street, or Proximo, or Hideout 12-something I can't remember. I would share pictures, but I don't wanna be that person taking shots of their meals in public anymore. I used to do it. I don't do it any more. But when food makes you feel like the skies have opened and choirs of chubby angels have started singing in perfect harmony, THAT is the food you should get when you go out to eat dinner. NOT old, tired, rotten (literally, spoiled) garbage. 

I ain't doin' it. Which then reminded me of this gem: 

So, anywho, with the three croutons on my salad yesterday, and a healthy dose of Carolina BBQ sauce, I was on a roll. I was parched by the time I left the store, and made the poorly decision to grab a 32-oz FULL-SUGAR cherry coke, and, just for good measure, a small Fast Break bar. 

Thankfully, I was only 1/3 through the Cherry Coke before I stopped that nonsense, and I threw the candy bar in the freezer so there was no way I would be able to eat it, must less enjoy it. So, with those few faux pas, I am down four pounds for the week. I don't care. I did NOT eat the candy bar. I'm pretty sure my beloved ate it. 

I'm spending the day doing not much of anything constructive. I might organize my life/week a bit, so I can get more work stuff accomplished in the coming week, and I might work on my room, and go through some more stuff, so it can be taken to Goodwill, or Half Price Books and I can get approximately $5.78 for the 300 books I no longer need to keep (that IS mostly an exaggeration on the book count anyway). Got some boxes to tear down, and some food to prep, but otherwise, looks to be a fairly docile Sunday. 

Here's to an excellent week ahead. 

Oh, and there's still stuff in the stores, so feel free to go visit any of them while most of them still exist:  


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