The Thirdly Review - Day 30

How I would actually feel if I believed I really consumed the numbers down below ... 

It's been 30 days? How? 

A lot of things can happen in four weeks.
  • Weight can be lost
  • Changes can be made
  • Habits can be formed
  • Habits can be broken
  • Plans can die
  • New plans can be made
  • Seasons can change
  • Mindsets can change

Sometimes, I think this daily monitoring just holds me in place, but other times, I know that's not true. Life happens whether you track it or not. The day moves on whether I track it or not. I also know that what I do not track, I do not do, so therefore, tracking helps me STAY on the track I have chosen. 

In this first third of my 12-week year, I have: 
  • Improved my mood
  • Read at least 45 pages of a book (I can't tell you the last time I did that)
  • Stopped the constant achiness and paininess in the major joints
  • Improved mobility as the days progress 
  • Cancelled some plans
  • Made new plans
  • Made plans to travel by myself to a place I've never been 
  • Splurged on said travel plans to a level that I had not done up to that point 
  • Got another raise (the second during my first year at the "job") 
  • Achieved purging of some of the things from my past that have held me stagnant
  • Learned that how I care for myself is far more important and valuable
  • Lost at least seven pounds, if not more, depending on the day
  • Eliminated 98% of processed sugar from my dietary intake

What have I not yet done that I said I was going to do

- After review, mostly, it's that movement thing. 

We have undoubtedly established that I am not a gym rat, or whatever witty name it's called now. I used to do a lot of workouts here at home, in the living room, with the TV. I don't know why I just can't get back into it. I have all the resources I need - TV, internets, streaming DDP Yoga workouts, DVDs. 

I am expert level at procrastination. I am also expert level at thinking about all the things I want to, need, and should do ... 

We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to announce this: 

Ironically, this was playing in the background as I wrote the above para: 

Since you can't see the title, it's: "Don't Wait for Inspiration. Just Do Stuff." 

As he said, you're never gonna feel like it. Just do it. 

That being said, I remembered, after approximately 5-10 trips back and forth, to put on the pedometer. I just want to get a baseline of how much I do NOT move during a normal day. There are approximately 35 steps betwixt my desk and the bathroom, so if we factor (again, pun not intended) in approximately three trips back and forth, and leave out all the other shorter-distanced movement, let's just say I got in 200 steps before the pedometer, and 35 steps for the last trip from desk to bathroom - plus whatever the pedometer says right before bed ... 

Baby steps. As some witty fitness person said, "You can't measure what you don't track." At least I'll know my starting point. 

It's not just about exercise for weight loss. It's about circulation. As my job is 95% sedentary, circulation is lacking. The feet randomly go numb, as do the butt cheex. Movement is necessary for health, just in general. Plus, it will help keep the blood sugar down at below-diabetes ranges. 

The reason, I so easily forgot, that I don't track food? DEAR LAWD, it is nearly impossible to get a precise configuration of recipes unless you have all day, every day, in between meals to look up each ingredient, and enter it into the platform (MyFitnessPal, in this case) and then transfer it to the other platform (FitDay, in this case) ... and even then, it's just not coming out right because there are variables you don't know from other peoples' recipes. Ugh. 

I do not believe the macros when it comes to the meatloaf or chaffle recipes. If I had consumed THAT MUCH Fat and Protein, I would currently be asleep; nay, comatoast. I did do much better with almond consumption, coming in at just about two servings exactly (28 grams each), but then I et some of those French-fried onions. So yeah, carbs were a bit higher today - about 32 grams, net. Oh. Well. 

Then, Fitday says I should eat over 2100 calories per day to lose the required amount of daily weight to meet my goal, so I didn't go WAY over that, but I'm going to guess that typically, I don't even get near 1800. Which is the whole point of tracking things this week, to see the truth (or as close as I can get to it) in the numbers. 

It's been an odd day. Tomorrow is a new day. 

Day 30 Progress

Weight: 207.6

What I Et:

Steps: 1860 + 235 uncounted

Reading: 8 pages (45 total) 

  60 Days to Goal!

Yes, Really - Day 29



As Mr. Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans ..." So, today started off as a fail. I failed to track anything. Tomorrow. TOMORROW I will start tracking. I already know what's missing, or what needs to go, but I haven't committed to that yet, either, clearly. 

I did not factor (pun not intended) in the fact that I had to take Ms. Jezebel to the vet for a follow-up appointment at 8:50 this morning. That ran all the way up til the morning meeting at 10am. By that time, pffffffffffffffft. Also, since I slacked off during the holiday half week, I am way behind in work stuffs, and will be spending much of the afternoon trying to float back up to the surface. 

In other news, I have read 39 pages of the Choose Yourself book that I mentioned some days (read weeks) ago. I have decluttered much stuffings that needed to be declutterized. 

I think a lot of my recent Diet Dr. Pepper intake comes from eliminating the water additive (Stur). There's some deep-seated need for something more than just water with lemon and stevia drops. I'm almost afraid to eliminate the stevia because what else will I start craving? 

Some days, I am more batterscrained than others. I didn't sleep great. Kept waking up, and then going back to sleep. Probably due to snacking right before bed. It's just a day. I had no expectations that the scale results would be positive this morning.

There are things to adjust. I could get my yarn together and make sure it is stationed by the television-watching seat, so that I have something to do other than chew, whilst watching a show. I CAN eliminate the Diet Dr. Pepper by just not buying it, or thinking it sounds good. I know it's not good. It's not good for weight loss. It's not good for the diabeetus diagnosis. It's just junk, and mostly poison, when you peel away all the moving parts. I know the almonds are going to have to go. The Elote ones in particular. They are like candy. They have to go. The Spicy Dill and Salt N' Vinegar ones are fine because they are so strong, and mostly eyeball-curling, and so I am not tempted to eat them by the dozens plus. 

Then, there's the movement, or lack thereof. The only one who can do that is me. I just haven't yet figured out WHEN to do it. Do I do it right after waking up, when I haven't even fully re-entered my physical being? Do I do it before lunch? After lunch? I do know, from past experience, that night time is not the right time. It really, really mucks up my sleep if I get the heart rate up, and do a bunch of movey-movey stuffs. 

Just a brain-scrambled kind of day. First day "back at work." Not even organized enough to make my to-do list this morning. Oh, and I forgot, there's another meeting at 3pm. May try to weasel out of that. (Update: I did weasel out of it, and instead started the data entry of some 20+ courses that will, at some point, go live in the app tonight, tomorrow, and the rest of the week

Update, later in the day - I can tell, phsyically, and mentally, (see, I can't even spellz correctly), that I have consumed FAR TOO MUCH caffeine. This may be one of those monobipolyphasic sleep nights (as the kids are calling it now). In other words, sleep is not looking promising, at this point. I can just feel things boiling in the bloodstream. Jitteriness might be the more apropos nomenclature. 

Lesson: Get rid of the pop. Lesson: Make that Afternoon Coffee last ... You don't need ANOTHER one. 

So, the goal(s) for tomorrow: 
  • Track foods/beverages 
  • Wear the pedometer all day
  • Eradicate the Diet Dr. Pepper

Let's DO THIS. Thanks, as per usual, for stopping by! My jittery self appreciates you! 

Day 29 Progress

Weight: 209.4

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee 
- Factor Garlic & Herb Chicken Breast with Smoked Cheddar Cauliflower "Grits" 

Real Life

- Some Elote almonds
- A Diet Dr. Pepper (see, I know what I need to get rid of ...) 
- The Afternoon Coffee
- Another Afternoon Coffee, several hours later
- Leftover meatloaf sauteed in butter, with a side of the sugar-free BBQ sauce

61 Days to Gooooooooooooooaaaalllllll! 

Baby, We Can Talk All Night - Day 28

I think my scale is having a meltdown. At the very least, the battery is probably dying. For a brief and shining moment this morning (before caffeine), I stepped on, and it kept cycling rapidly through the 199-lb range. I was like, "Wait ...That's not right." It's just a vision of things to come, I suppose. It's not that far off, and I'm looking forward to it. 

I have learned that you can't keep doing the same things, day after day after day, and then expect different results. What matters is not the external. What matters is how I am - how I think; how I respond; what I tolerate, what I won't tolerate, and what I choose to do.  

It was kind of a really lazy day. It was miserable outside - rainy, windy, cold, yuck. Inside, just blah. I mostly did work, played Solitaire, watched Tulsa King, took a brief nap, lather, rinse, repeat. The one bright and shining moment was this: 

My beloved found a recipe for keto meatloaf, and made it his own, and it was sublime. This and the asparagii kept me full even by the time we had leftovers for dinner. 

What my beloved did to make it even more spectacular: 

- Added provolone slices in the middle
- Added (as he says) about four shakes of seasoned salt 
  (We get this at Meijer. Do NOT get it on Amazon. That price is stupid. Link just for pictorial purposes) 

The first serving, at lunch, was divine. There was no graininess from the almond flour. However, second serving (leftovers at dinner, reheated in microwave) was decidedly odd in texture. Flavor was still good, but that texture was a bit offputting. 

My guesstimate is that you could either cut the amount of almond flour in half, or do half almond flour/half Pork Panko, or just do Pork Panko (crushed, pulverized pork rinds) instead. Also, if you are not doing keto, and you're not used to that level of protein, I would say you only need to use one half an egg per pound of beeves. My beloved said he also would cut back on the amount of onion. I disagree, but you decide. 

Regardless of leftover status, I think it was amazing, especially given that it was the first time he ever made a meatloaf in his entire life. It was perfect, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. 

Day 28 Progress

Weight: 208.4

What I Et:

- The morning coffee 
- Two almonds
- The meatloaf (See above) and roasted asparagii 
- More almonds
- The Afternoon Coffee 
- More meatloaf
- More almonds 
- Some French-fried onions (I have lost my taste for these, they just aren't that great anymore) 
- Pork rinds and chip dip

62 Days to Goal

Every Little Thing - Day 27

Pudgy since the beginning ... 

Why do holiday weeks go so fast, and yet also incredibly slow? Why do you get to Saturday night and realize just how much you could have done, and yet, here at Saturday night, you're just feeling blah, and not in the mood for much of anything? 

It's not even like holidays of years gone by, where there was a magical metric F-ton of family to visit, dine with, etc. It was just us, and my parents. Pretty casual; relatively quick; nothing profound. 

I got profusely exhausted after the first meal - probably too much protein and fat - but I did manage to get quite a bit of progress made on the Great Purge of '22. I am learning to let a lot of things go. Today, I let go of a coat that I supposedly wore as an infant, along with two archaic pairs of baby shoes. Buh-bye. I also got rid of numerous things I'd been holding on to in the "arts and crafts" department because it's mostly apparent that I was never going to make anything with those things, and they were beyond usefulness for anyone else, either. Paints do have a shelf life. 

I also went on a rampage of purginess in the "tool" cabinets, which were badly in need of cleansing and reorganization. 

I did, too, manage to get some work-work done, and am also purging my inbox, as I got kind of lazy with it over the course of the past year. 

It feels good to let go. I may not be losing any personal poundage, but my mental self is getting exponentially lighter every time I tackle something else. I do little bits here and there. Nothing is organized, or planned. One time, I'll weed through my Google Photos and get rid of duplicates, and really terrible shots. The next time, I'll start working on my other cloud storage, decluttering the digital wasteland of my past. Then, it's a drawer here, or a cabinet there. 

Every little thing's gonna be all right. Decluttered, and perfectly all right. 

Day 27 Progress

Weight: 208.6

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee 
- Leftover pork from the previous night's dinner sauteed with Cajun butter, some red onions, atop a large chaffle with sour cream. Don't ask. It was good. 
- The afternoon coffee
- Grilled chicken tenderloins (probably 2.25) with a side of melted butter
- About 2 bites of that salad that was left over the previous night, as well. It was disgusting. I could not. 
- Several Elote almonds 
- Pork rinds et chip dip later ... 
- One Diet Dr. Pepper 

63 Days to Goal

Black-Friday-Holed Sun - Day 26

This is Roho. He was the first one we adopted. You should adopt him, or one of the others, too. You really should. It will bring your heart joy. 

Early to bed, early to rise ... I think we both were up at 4:15am. Mainly because we went to bed before 10:30 the night before. It took a couple of hours to get caffeinated, and motivated, but then I got up and just started purging assorted stuff, like used candles, and stuff in my office, and a good clearing out of the linen closet. Two garbage bags later, (well, 1.5), I took the garbage out, and then took a bunch of burnable stuff out, and lit it on fire. We had A LOT of boxes. Good lord. 

Got done with that. My beloved went over to spend some time with his family before they left to go home, and I did some work, paid some beels, and did some more thinking about the trip. We ate lunch around 11:30 am, and by that time, we hit a wall. 

Going back to the illogicality of life (I'm testing this name/title for something in the future. I kind of dig it), how does it make sense that I had sugar, by way of cake, and probably a very carby selection of gravies with Thanksgiving lunch yesterday, and yet I lost weight? 

Thankfully, it wasn't a significant enough amount to affect me mentally or physically. The beloved says the cake was a model-sized serving. It was small, but DAYUM it was full of sugar O.O. I spent a lot of time at the restaurant being silently judgy, which is my flaw. I should stop it. It's just easier than taking a look in the mirror, I fully realize. It's none-a-mah-bizness. Period. You all do you. I do me. We all be happy. 

There is no one I can control, or want to control, other than me. 

Today was just a pretty productive day, except for the probably three-hour nap, or body-exit-session I took this afternoon. I am completely OUT of body when I nap. I don't know why, but it is some HARD SLEEP. I turn into a block of concrete, lay in one position for the entirety, and hear absolutely nothing. Oh, and the dreams are acid-worthy. 

Now, here at 10:39, having watched a delightful documentary about Sheldrick Wildlife, and part of a Bowie documentary, I'm pondering what I can purge tomorrow. 

I have no other thoughts. Hope you had a great Friday after Thanksgiving! 

Day 26 Progress

Weight: 207.4 or 207.6 - I can't remember!

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee 
- Factor Sliced Italian Sausage & Broccolini with Parmesan Cauliflower Mash & Lemon Basil Butter

Reality + a bit of cheese

Honestly, this is probably one of THE BEST factor meals I've had. The flavors were perfection. I would order this every week if I could.

- Some French-fried onions

- Another Diet Dr. Pepper

- The Afternoon Coffee 

- Shredded pork, green beans, and a side salad from 330 BBQ in New Haven with a side of Cajun butter, made at home, like I used to get at Rack & Helen's until they discontinued it. :/ 

- Some Elote almonds, because I got more :/ 

- A somewhat mousse made of whipped cream cheese, 6 fresh raspberries, and probably 1/2 teaspoon of cocoa powder, some heavy cream, a speelash of almond milk, and some stevia

64 Days to Goal

I Really Am Thankful - Day 25

I am thankful for a lot of things. 

Today, I was thankful that it was very warm, given the late-in-the-season date. 

I am thankful for my beloved. 

I am thankful for the life we have built - we never gave up, and it was worth the fight because it showed us what we were capable of, regardless of all the BS outside. 

I am thankful for my children, no matter where they are, or how often we don't get to see each other. 

I am thankful for airplanes that will take me to see at least one child and allow me to visit a place I never thought I would go. 

I am thankful for window seats, and the ability to choose them when you buy a plane ticket! 

I am thankful for my ability to keep trying, even through the times I thought I would never survive. 

I am thankful for the many brothers and sisters I have gained throughout the years as I continued to learn about who I really was. 

I am thankful for ALL of the parents I have had - adoptive, birth, and in-law-ish types. They have all taught me something I needed to learn. 

That's just a short list ... 

Today was a good day. We had Thanksgiving lunch buffet with my parents. Yes, I had a small piece of cake. No, I do not care. We drove back home. Very easy, very mellow, very relaxed kind of day. It's a holiday, and with very limited family-type interaction, we're pretty much free to do whatever we want, and we have. 

I'm frustrated that I'm not losing, even though the eating has been mostly on track. However, in the same breath, I know that things are starting to change, and I also know from past experience, that it takes a minute. 

Sometimes, I wonder why I even keep a blog, but then I remember that I am doing this mostly for myself, so I have record of the ups, downs, and all arounds. 

In the upcoming week, I think (at this moment) that I will track my eating for an entire week, just to get some concept of what's going on. I also think it's time to break out (read: turn on the app on the TV) the DDP Yoga and start moving. 

I also need to achieve a few things for the upcoming Seattlian(?) adventure. Namely, some sensible, yet not-hidyous shoes/boots that are made for walking. I have some sort of heel thing going on that flares up, especially when wearing short heels, or my boots that have seen better days. Support ith key. I also have no clue what the weather will be like, so there's that to research, too. 

The only thing that sucks about the trip is that my beloved can't come with me. However, since he was just out there about a month ago, and also got to visit with Child #1, it makes it a bit easier. 

I had a tremendous deal of anxiety even making the arrangements, given the failure of previous plans. However, since I know this trip will take me to someones who actually want to spend time with me, then it makes it much easier. All the worries are pretty much gone. 

I am learning to do things for myself. That oh-so-popular "Self Care." I finally realize that I have worked hard, and I deserve to take care of me, instead of sitting on the back burner, and waiting til everyone else is kosher. Don't get me wrong. Nobody except for me ever stopped me from doing this. It was always a mental block, but something has busted that, nay, shattered that to bits. 

I hope you had an excellent day. Thanks, as always, for stopping by. xo

Day 25 Progress

Weight: 208.8

What I Et: 

- 1.5 Morning Coffee 
- Cheese omelet - three eggs, splash of HWC, slice of American chee 
- Thanksgiving buffet in my home town ... 
    I had: 
    - salad with some grape tomatoes, red onion, shredded cheddar, and ranch. NO CROUTONS!  
    - Approximately two chunks of beef tips in gravy
    - One small forkful of stuffing
    - Turkey and gravy (at least I think it was turkey) 
    - What appeared to be fresh steamed green beans 
    - 75% of a small square of yellow cake with some super-sugared caramel icing
    - One bite (small) of a brownie 
- The Afternoon Coffee 
- Diet Dr. Pepper
- Maybe half of a Factor Queso Fundido meal
- Perhaps about five pork rinds, and a bit o' chip dip 
- Two Salt n' Vinegar almonds 

65 Days to Goal

Technically Frustrated ... Day 24

So, I got the pedometer, but not sure if it's working correctly. It's weird. It won't count anything, then all the sudden it'll jump up 10-20 steps, then stop again. It may go back. This 583 was me walking out the door, and all around the perimeter of the property ... I would think it would have been more than this, but I also could be wrong. I would just like something accurate. I don't think this is it. 

You don't know until you try, right? So, it just happened kind of naturally, with no plan in place. I ate last night, around 11:00 pm, and have not had anything but 2.25 coffees with heavy cream, and that scrap of cheese this morning. It's now 7:40 pm, and still not et. Maybe by 8:00 pm, we'll be eating dinner. He's having pizza; I'm not. 

I'm not hangry, or anything, but I've had a mildish headache for the past few hours. I did chew on about 1/3 of a beef bouillon cube, just to get some salt/mineral intake, and that took the headache down a few notches, but all in all, it's not been bad. 

Meanwhile, because when you're not eating, what else will you encounter on the internets but a ton of delicious-looking recipes, like this Spaghetti Squash Casserole, by All Day I Dream About Food: 

From her website - see link above

 I am a fan of the spaghetti squishes, so this definitely has potential. Would probably go great with some grilled pork chops, or chicken. 

This steak sand they made looks very similar to a combo of their Chicken Florentine chaffle plus the Faux Philly Cheese Steak thing I made earlier this week ... I can say it will definite be given a try. The soup doesn't even look half bad. 

So, yeah, all these fasting and OMAD freaks can keep it all to their merry selfs. It's just not something I'm ever going to be good at. I'm good with a 2MAD approach. It's what I'm used to, pretty much since Jr. High, and what I'm even better at, now, without the random all-day snacking (like yesterday). 

So, that all being said, I am fairly worthless when I don't get at least 5.5 - 6 hours of sleep. We were up so late, and yet, I was up so early this morning. It just all goes downhill from there. I managed to get a nap this afternoon, but it did nothing for my frame of mind. 

Tomorrow is Turkey Day ... Yay. At least we no longer have the huge gatherings at someone's house, where there would be all manner of carb- and sugar-laden temptations. It'll be just us and my parents going out for a Thanksgiving buffet, which will contain some format of meat, and a salad, so I don't anticipate real struggle. 

Sorry, nothing riveting, exciting, or otherwise noteworthy to report today. Just looking forward to bed. 

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and get to spend it with the people who make you happy, make you feel loved, and you have a great day. 

Day 24 Progress

Weight: 207.4

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee 
- A very small scrap of mozzarella cheese
- The afternoon coffee 
- Factor Loaded Bacon & Spinach Shredded Chicken with Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Ranch Sour Cream (and a large chaffle that you'll see in a minute ...) 

Misleading expectation 


Disheartening reality ... 


Still disheartening after assemblage ... 

The flavor of the main course was fine. Just looked less than ideal. The Brussels sprouts, I could do without. Soggy Brussels are not my thang. Just throw some broccoli in there and call it a day. The large chaffle, so artfully folded is visible up there in the corner. Exciting stuff. 

66 Days to Goal

Illogicality - Day 23

I get a decent night of sleep. I didn't eat heavily yesterday. I got rid of even more sugar/junk by way of the Stur. Result? I GAIN WEIGHT. Go me. 

It is ONE day out of 90 ... ONE day out of however many I have left. This too shall pass. 

I can tell you that whatever I ate made me profusely tired. Going to guess it was the onions. Too many carbs in full ketosis makes one very, very tired. Like wearing a full-throttle lead-lined, chain-wrapped vest tired. 

It was a moment when I was NOT in control of making the most brilliant decisions. I was hungry. I was annoyed. I just went with it. Life continues on. It's those little moments that are the things that derail me, because then they snowball. 

I think also, that lack of sugar from the Stur is causing residual carb cravings because here in the middle of the afternoon, I could totally start nibbling away on nonsense again, for absolutely no reason. I'm very restless. 

... Many hours later, I made more coffee around 4:30. Clearly, cutting ALL the sugar out was NOT going to be ask easy as I thought. 

Also, it was a bit nicer out this afternoon, so Nettie and I went on a micro-excursion around the yard. Soaked up a bit of Vitamin D, inspected the perimeter of the homestead. Just good to be outside for a hot minute. 

At a very filling dinner, and then very late, say 11:00pm or so, I was snacking again. What. The. CAPITAL. Fffffffff. I do think, though, that if I can get through tomorrow, and not give in to the snack urges, that I will be able to get over the sugar hump and move forward. 

I was super productive in the evening. My beloved's cat has become ill, so he took her to the clinic, where they proceeded to wait for many hours before they could even get in a room to be seen. I got quite a bit done - dishes, a bit of laundry, and some more work. Go. 

Eventually, we'll get to sleep. It's 12:30 am, as I write this. Not my best day, eating wise, but otherwise, it was a decent day. 

Day 23 Progress

Weight: 209

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee
- Seven grams of Sargento Mozzarella sliced chee
- Factor Queso Fundido with cauli-rice, and a heaping spoon of sour cream, because ... 
- French-fried onions, also because 
- Some Elote almonds 
- The Afternoon Coffee
- Another afternoon coffee
- Factor Italian Roasted Pork with Roasted Broccolini

Serving ""Suggestion"" 

Real Serving

Regardless of how less-than-enthused the pork looks, it was still pretty  good, and impressively enough, the broccolini actually WAS roasted. The flavors in this meal were A-OK. I would definitely get this one again. 

- Some more Elote almonds
- Some French-fried onions - okay, a lot of them.
- And finally, another serving of Elote almonds. 

67 Days to Goal

On Getting Things Done, Walking It Off, and Blood - Day 22

This fell out of the closet at me this morning. Must be a sign ... 

In writing this a day later, I don't remember what I really wanted to talk about. Nothing of too much import, I suppose. Anywhoo, read on ... 

So, what, if nothing, do you find when you watch random YouTuub vidyas? Inspiration! That's what. So, I ran across this couple a while back, but never subscribed. They just try random experiments and see what it do - the good old N=1 (or 2, in this case). What is life, if not one giant experiment to see how slow or fast we can leave this planet? 

Today, up popped this: 

I can do this. I cannot (read: will not) be doing 1000 steps per hour, but I WILL be challenging myself to 100 steps per hour, and regardless, it will be more movement than I currently get during the workday. I also had (strong word, that) to order a new pedometer, as my old one is dead. That will be here Wednesday. Meanwhile, I know that it takes approximately 35 steps to walk from my desk to the bathroom, so if I do that twice per hour, that's over 100 steps. Maybe that's too easy. Yes, that is. Let's go for 300 steps per hour to start. Then, if that's too easy, I will bump it up. 

In other news, guess what???????????????  22 DAYS, and I am now in the LOWER PRE-DIABETIC range. Twenty. Two. Days. It could just be an anomaly, but whatever. It's the lowest reading I've seen. The high was 186. Anything below 100 is NON-DIABETIC. This was my reading: 

Day 22 Progress

Weight: 207.8

What I Et:

- The morning coffee 
- One scrap of a slice of mozzarella chee (not the greatest cheese I've ever had) 
- One Sour Cream and Onion Popcorners chip
- A little under half of a SECOND morning coffee 
- ANOTHER Chicken Florentine Chaffle sandwich ... I know! 
- A few Elote almonds 
- The Afternoon Coffee 
- Some French-fried onions because I had to get the salmon taste out of my mouth
- Some more Elote almonds 

Some days, I just don't feel like taking pictures. This was one of those days. 

68 Days to Goal

Assorted Boids, Pleasant Peaches, and Standard American Sugar - Day 21

It was a pretty good day. I actually spent some time in "the room" going through more stuff. I actually now have ALL of the 2022 tax papers in ONE location in the house. Go me! The usual ADHD me would have some in every room up until January 30-ish or so ... 

Got some fish-related supplies listed on Facebook Marketplace. Let the Great Purge begin ... When we move, we will be taking very, very little with us. THAT is my goal!  

Got some laundry put away; did some works; fed the boids and gave them some unfrozen waters. All in all, a fairly productive kind of day. 

There's one thing I don't think I mentioned at the start of this - my use of this: 

While this is a FAR SIGHT better than the Crystal Lite Peach Tea addiction I had before the Die-a-Beet-Us diagnosis, it's still sugar. My rationalization was that it "helped" me get my water intake. Just because they don't ADD cane sugar, doesn't mean that concentrated grape juice isn't sugar enough. Stevia is just an afterthought down there at the bottom of the list. 

Anywhoo, after a good two years of all things peach flavored, including actual peaches, I think it's time for a change. I ran out of this yesterday, and have switched over to lemon and a few drops of stevia in my water. And probably 24 hours later, I can tell there's a significant difference because I have drunk/drank/drinken a LOT less water today. I was also a lot less hungry this morning before that stupendous sammich. Usually, there is at least an hour or so of significant rumbly-tumblies, and just downright hunger before lunch. Not today. 

It's too late to cancel my next delivery, I think ... Oooo let me go check. Hold please. Actually, I think I just did cancel it, so now, my water intake's flavor will be switched to fresh-squeezed (by me) lemon juice, and stevia. It's just one less thing that may cause those pesky stress cravings, and help improve the mood. 

Like that frog in the cold pot o' water, you don't know you're cooking until it's too late, when you're in the throes of the Standard American crapfest of food ... But, if you ever take a break from sugar and artificial sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, and high-glycemic fruits, and then you go back? Froggie gets tossed into the boiling sea and feels it immediately. Sugar is the thing I have to watch out for when it comes to mental well being. Sugar is hellish.

I still love it, but it's hell. A bite here and there, fine, but the daily consumption is something I need to, want to, and will change. 

Day 21 Progress

Weight: 209

What I Et:

- The Morning Coffee 

- The second best sammich I have made on keto ... 

Leftover top sirloin, sauteed in a bit of butter to reheat, some yellow onion, and mini peppers, sauteed in olive oil, two chaffles, made with coconut flour, which made them more "bready" than the lupin flour, served OPEN FACE with a slice of provolone on one, and mayo on the other. You're welcome. 

- A few Elote almonds 

- The Afternoon Coffee 

- Three chicken tenders, grilled, with a bit of butter, and a side salad with some grape tomatoes, queso fresco, a few French-fried onions, and this dressing: 

- A few more Elote almonds 

- An Evening Coffee (stupid move ...) 

69 Days to Goal

Meh ... Day 20

Current frame of mind ... 

Currently, there is nothing I want more than to get ALL of that pineapple crap completely out of my person. I slept okay. I woke up in a poor mood. That mood has continued, even now, at 2:05 pm ... I am full of agitation, stress, anxiety, and all for NO REASON AT ALL ... Nothing happened. Nothing. On top of that, I put on two pounds in one day? Seriously? What exactly did they put in there? No, I'm not obsessing about weight. I'm just annoyed. I know it will vanish. I just am not comfortable in my own skin right now. I am bloated, irritated, and just stuck in the middle of a Munch painting. Yuck. 

The Saturday hunt-and-gather session was especially stressful, again, for no reason, because the store was deader than usual for a Saturday. However, I guess it gave me a lot of insight in things that then make my brain think that I need SNACKKKKKKKKKKKKS. Got to test that theory not once, but three times on the way home, with three other stops at locations that all house snacks. URGH!

I did really good, though, all things considered, and came out of it only partially scathed. One Cherry Coke Zero Sugar, and a bag of Smokehouse Almonds, still unopened, and NO salty or sugary snacks purchased or consumed. 

It was an odd day ... it's also the weekend, so I have no delusions that I won't eat more than usual. I do know that I'm getting tired of THINKING about all the things I want to do and not just DOING them. I also don't know how to address the loneliness I feel. I lack the social skills, clearly, to form lasting friendships with more than one or two individuals at a time. I probably border on being antisocial, but I have zero knowledge about that type of personality. 

On a more positive note, I have read approximately eight pages, plus the intro, of the book. Again, reading makes me very drowsy, so it's going to be slow going. 

I did do some kitchenesque experimentation later in the evening because I felt snacky, but wanted keto. I got a new muffin tin with 12 compartments, so I was able to try the pickle chips again. I even was so bold as to try onion rings, as well. The pickle chips were exponentially better than the onion rings, and I'm not sure how to get a better coating on the onions, or actually what to make them in, but it's an experiment in progress. It might just be that you have to do the standard dunk-and-bread system with onion rings. Pickles are easier to wrangle. 

I think it's also going to make a great breading for chicken tenders, especially in the air fryer. I'm also wondering if a bit of almond flour might result in a different texture ... with just cheese and Pork Panko, it was still a bit chewy. See also, our oven is some 17 years old, so circulation of heats within the baking compartment is probably less than optimal. Even at increased heat of 375F it still took probably 25 minutes to get here. I did shut the oven off at 17 minutes, though. I'm curious, next time, to see what happens in the air fryer. 

That's enough for this day. I need a new one. 

Day 20 Progress

Weight: 209

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee 

- Three eggs with a splash of heavy cream, formed into a half-functional omelet shape with one piece of Land O' Lakes American Cheese. 

- One Sargento string cheese stick 

- The Afternoon Coffee 

- Cherry Coke Zero Sugar

- 1/3 of a top sirloin and a side salad with dump ranch

- Some French-fried onions

- I'm sure I had some Elote almonds, but I can't say that with 1000% certainty 

- Five pickle chips and two onion rings 

See, I ate a lot (especially fat/calorie wise). I just didn't care. 

70 Days to Goal

What in the Holy Pineapple Was I Thinking? - Day 19

Let's get it out of the way ... Cleanses, in powder, pill, or liquid, just do NOT have the same effect on me. I thought, okay ... I'll try this one more time, because it's FULL of fibers, but only has ONE gram of net carbs; sweetened with monk fruit; can't be all that bad. (See the product picture down below). 

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. Hold my coffee. 

A serving is 12.5 grams, which the internets tell me is equal to one tablespoon. As I write this (on the morning of Day 20), all it did was make me FEEL like garbage. It has yet to make the actual function happen. I did NOT like the overall effect it had on my person. It left this fibrous/gel-like coating in my mouth. The taste was traumatizing - and just barely resembled pineapple flavor. The texture was almost chewy. And it made me feel like my blood pressure, or my blood sugar had spiked astronomically. 

I'm good. You never know til you try, and now I know. Maybe it works for others, but for me, it's a no-win situation.

In other news, yesterday was an odd day. The beloved hath sinus AND double-ear infections. Had to take my father-in-law to an appointment. The Black House is ALL the way down, and, in fact, buried in the ground below. It is GONE ... All that's left of the place are the trees and weeds. Weird. Even the shoes hanging on the old power line, gone. I should have gotten a picture, in an angle facing the house, so that you could see just how Black House it all actually was. If you have never read Black House, it's a dark and twisted story that ties into the Dark Tower series, which, if you didn't know, is Stephen King's epic, epic story. This place DEFINITELY looked like the gateway to something not so good, and all things evil. 

Work was okay, but I find it hard to focus and get back into it after taking the morning off. It's like the morning is the runway, and by afternoon, my productivity lifts off, and I can get stuff done. 

We have started watching A Million Little Things ... We FINALLY have a show we can enjoy and discuss and pick apart again. I'm glad we waited because a few years back, I would not have been in the right headspace for the subject matter, but now, it makes sense. Peel away the "everybody looks perfect and has all the money in the world" facade, and the story is good. 

My thoughts are all over the place, but Day 19 was an okay day. I'm good with okay. I am not good with pineapple-chia cleanse powders. 

See you later, taters. 

Day 19 Progress

Weight: 207

What I Et: 

Here's the not-so-obligatory shot of lunch: 

It was really good, flavor-wise. Just disappointed that there was only one-fourth of one slice of Andouille sausage in there. Seriously? The seasoning on the broccoli was fantastic, too. I'm just too lazy to show you the artistic food-styled Factor photo ... 

I started to track, and then lost the gumption after lunch ... 

- Two chaffles, with two thin slices of Sargento provolone

- Probably 1/2 a can of Swanson Chicken w/ Ginger and Turmeric Bone Broth 

- 16 grams of Elote almonds

- Some pork rinds and chip dip 

- Dear Universe, what EVER was I thinking ... I had one LEVEL, and very tiny scoop of this with approximately six ounces of Macadamia Milk ...  

71 Days to Goal

A Clear and Consistent Understanding - Day 18

One of television's finest moments

Not gonna lie. I'm a bit frustrated at wavering back and forth here around the 208 range. Well, I was, until I checked the chart that I kept from my first keto attempt back in 2017. After review, I realized that, at 90 days, I had lost 18.5 pounds ... and I'm here at Day 18, and have already lost eight. That's pretty substantial for 2.5 weeks, and without really any effort. 

I'm not going to keep talking about how I "want" to do exercise, because, honestly, I don't. I've never been the athletic type. It certainly wasn't encouraged in childhood, unless it involved manual labor around the house or farm. I loved to swim. That was about the only form of exercise I got that I absolutely adored. 

I honestly can't tell you what holds me back. I've done it before. I no longer have the pressure of having to "go to the gym," so it's not like there's any form of self-consciousness going on. The cats, and Nettie do not care what I do, or how I look doing it. We've surpassed the time when I can go out for a brisk walk in the cool autumnal air. The weather here in Ohio is straight-up winter. At least this week. 

I just don't know. I know that if something started chasing me, it would probably win. I know that I don't want to move around like my mother. She at least, now, has an excuse. She's aged, but she's been poorly situated, physically, for decades. I just know that I do not want to be in that condition. I'm only 54, FFS, so there's no need to act like I'm nearing retirement. 

I'll figure it out. 

Work has been especially worky and busy this week, which is a phenomenal thing. Other than that, I did finally manage to get at least half of the clean clothes folded, sorted, or otherwise put up.

I think one of my goals for the next 12-week year will be to get my room (my daughter's old room) sorted, and cleaned out. Right now, it's a guest/storage room for my stuffs. Stuffs that I haven't touched in ages, and usually just look at like one would look at a scrap book. I've got several things that could probably go on Marketplace, but pffffffft, I hate dealing with selling/bartering/blah-blah-blah, and I'm not the eBaying type. I don't know. Like the last batch of things, this stuff will probably just end up at Goodwill, or the Catholic Charities place in Fort Wayne. 

Other than that, really not a lot going on. Things are good. Life is good. 

Thanks for stopping by. You can comment. Conversation is welcome. 

Day 18 Progress

Weight: 208.4

What I Et: 

- The morning coffee 

- Factor Pimento Cheese Chicken Breast with Garlic Spinach & Creamed Zucchini and two chaffles because I was absolutely famished by the time lunch rolled around. Not sure why, but I cleaned it all up. 

- The Afternoon Coffee 

- One Diet Dr. Pepper

- Another Chicken Florentine Chaffle sammich. This time, the chicken was leftover, grilled, and the onions were not as good because I did not add the sweetener, nor enough vinegar. Still good, just different. 

- Elote almonds - probably less than a serving

72 Days to Goal

Yoga, Gerbil Mills, and Other Random Words - Day 17

Who are, who are, who are, who are, who are, who are ... you? 
This is Erma. Her mate, Gerd, passed a while back. Now she hangs with big fish(es). She's a woman after my own heart. Adaptable, chill, and content in her corner of Water World. 

I really thought I consumed more food today, but I guess not. Correction, I had NOT et a lot until we watched some television last night, and then I was busily chewing away at some pork rinds and chip dip, and then some more almonds. It was a busy day at the home office ... and I actually accomplished a few other things, as well. As always, I'm a work in progress. I took some of these: 

Because if you suffer from kidney stones for whatever reasons, these things are magical. I also took some ox bile, and choline, just to see if that would help me feel less crappity after the taco-bowl lunch. I actually don't think I felt much of anything, so go supplements! 

Something was done today that probably should have been done two years ago - my beloved cancelled the gym membership. We've been silent patrons, just supporting them monetarily from afar. It's just such a hassle/pain/nope situation to have to drive there and back. Hence, I can't even tell you the last time we went. Plus, it was gross. They didn't really bother maintaining it, updating equipment, or keeping it staffed, so the honor system of people cleaning the machines after they used them was pretty much extinct. Eww. 

We have a living room, a TV, a subscription to DDP Yoga, and some new equipment we'll be setting up soon, so we can get some movement, and toning done here at the ranch. I'm not out to win any body-building competitions, or swimsuit (what est that?) pageants, so it's all good. 

I also did something I've been putting off for a few weeks. Whatever will be will be, but now I can put it to rest and let it evaporate from my brain cell(s). I was proud of myself that I took time to think before I responded completely, and I managed to say what I had to say in just a few sentences; whereas, in a past world, I would have written a 150-page essay. 

Life is too short. You do what you have to do to make you happy and bring yourself peace. I did. 

It's a light news day, folks. That's all for now. Thanks, as per usual, for your visit! 

Day 17 Progress

Weight: 207.6

What I Et: 

The morning coffee 

- Another taco bowl (leftovers) with the cheese, tomates, onion, and sour cream 

- The Afternoon Coffee 

- Grilled chicken (a small 'un, probably 2-3 ounces), grilled asparagii, and a side of melted butter, because grilled chicken doesn't have fat!! 

- Elote almonds - probably at least two more servings. I am out of control!  O.O 

- Some Epic pork rinds and chip dip

- Some more almonds 

73 Days to Goal